Abraham Hamilton III

David Waller
Conference Overview
Our nation is in chaos! Our freedom has been trampled on, our history desecrated, our children sexualized, and our churches invaded by Woke ideology. If you're like us, we know that you are alarmed about our nation and the direction we are headed.
How did we get here, and what do we do about it? If you're asking yourself these questions, be encouraged! You are not alone! We are hosting this conference for you!
Our theme comes straight from 2 Peter 3:11, "What Sort of People Ought We to Be?" The apostle Peter had just warned 1st-century Christians about the signs and events of the end times. Notice that instead of asking a godless culture to give an account of themselves, Peter shifts his focus to the church and asks, “Knowing these things, what sort of people ought we to be?”
God calls us to be holy and set apart from the world (2 Corinthians 6:17) so that we will be found spotless at Christ’s return (2 Peter 3:14). Like Queen Esther, He has called us to be a people for the times, not of the times, a distinct light in the middle of a dark world.
Using this question as a springboard, we will explore topics such as:
assessing our own walk with God
confronting a godless culture with truth
discovering our God-given purpose
raising your family to make an eternal impact
How to prepare for the days ahead
reexamining God’s original plan for marriage, family, and nations
This is one conference you don’t want to miss! Mark your calendars to join us for a weekend jampacked with truth, fellowship, and practical steps on how to plant a flag for Christ in the middle of today’s culture!